West Michigan Restaurants by Type

Home » West Michigan Restaurants by Type

We have created some “random” categories for restaurants we have reviewed to help you find what you want more quickly. This will become even more valuable as the reviews grow in number. Some restaurants are difficult to correctly categorize, so we have placed a few in two categories to make it easier for you to find them.


[posts-by-tag tags = “Ethnic” number = “20” excerpt = “false” thumbnail = “false” order_by = “date” order = “desc” author = “false” date = “true”]


[posts-by-tag tags = “creative” number = “20” excerpt = “false” thumbnail = “false” order_by = “date” order = “desc” author = “false” date = “true”]


This actually includes any bar or pub with food
[posts-by-tag tags = “brewpub” number = “20” excerpt = “false” thumbnail = “false” order_by = “date” order = “desc” author = “false” date = “true”]

Breakfast/Lunch only

[posts-by-tag tags = “Breakfast-Lunch” number = “10” excerpt = “false” thumbnail = “false” order_by = “date” order = “desc” author = “false” date = “true”]


Every day restaurant not fitting the other categories
[posts-by-tag tags = “mainstream” number = “20” excerpt = “false” thumbnail = “false” order_by = “date” order = “desc” author = “false” date = “true”]


A bit harder on the wallet and held to a higher standard by our reviews.
[posts-by-tag tags = “upscale” number = “20” excerpt = “false” thumbnail = “false” order_by = “date” order = “desc” author = “false” date = “true”]


[posts-by-tag tags = “Vegetarian” number = “20” excerpt = “false” thumbnail = “false” order_by = “date” order = “desc” author = “false” date = “true”]


[posts-by-tag tags = “seafood” number = “10” excerpt = “false” thumbnail = “false” order_by = “date” order = “desc” author = “false” date = “true”] We may add categories as needed. Let us know if you have a better idea for organizing this info.